They say if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.


After ten years of designing and marketing, I discovered that many small businesses don't have the budget for an in-house design team or marketing firm. They know that marketing is important but have a hard time knowing how to make the most of their budgets. This is where I would love to help.

Pure Pixels Marketing was established to help small businesses assemble the tools to succeed in marketing their products or services.

The services that I am offering include Graphic Design, Branding, and Marketing Consulting.

I want to use the knowledge I've gained over the years to grow your business. If you're interested in learning more about how I can help, please contact me.

Creativity is my passion. Ever since I can remember, I have loved to draw, sing, act, anything that uses the right side of my brain. When I am working on my latest project and my creative juices are flowing, I feel like my most authentic self.

Family is something else that fuels me. I may be slightly biased, but I think I may have the best family out there. So the majority of my free time is filled with them. Playing games, being outside, and enjoying the moment.

I am a “fixer.” Tell me your problems, and my brain goes into overdrive on how we can turn your situation around. There is power to positivity; you just need to harness that power. That is why Betty White is my spirit animal.

Thanks for letting me share a bit of myself. I would love to take my strengths and passion and use them to help grow your business.

5 Fun Facts

  • New Zealand


    Grand Caynon

    Redwood Forest

  • Karaoke baby!


    I love all things true crime. Podcasts, documentaries, books, etc…

  • This is so hard to answer because I love all movies. So I will pick a few from certain genres.

    Action - Die Hard

    Comedy -

    Drama - Shawshank Redemption

  • Schitt’s Creek

    It’s brilliant all around. Casting, character development, costumes, story development. I have watched it all the way through at least 4 times.


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